I think this the last batch of photos from WENDY REISNER
Wendy did a great job with these pics. We all owe her many thanks.
Is that Heff with his Playmates? No, that's Kurt Larson's playmates, Thelma and wait.......I think that might be Betsy?
"Boy Chat"
Andy Hillman getting the "finger". Rob Brill with some newspaper chat talking to Tom Gould and Ricky Wise. Patty's back is talking to Steve Stein |
"Oh, the Bride cuts the cake. The Bride cuts the cake."
Must have been a lot of kitchening that day. Muffy and Anne. |
"One camera to the other"
David Pyne shooting the shooter. |
" Do you think Gore should concede the election?"
Linda on the right, Barbara Philbrick in the middle, and Barbara Blank with back to camera. |
"Friends and foliage"
A beautiful shot on the lake at Muffy's. Maybe it was Betsy's camera. We have Thelma, Betsy, of course, Wendy and Kathy |
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"Finally, someone is holding up Leslie."
Leslie must have some hangover. Thank you Sue Landis for helping her |
"Picking for table scraps"
Gerry, Roger and Ricky Wise |